Monday, October 22, 2012

Shibari rules? They've got to have them!
For such an art that takes enormous strength and concentration on the part of master and submissive, yes, there are rules of procedure.

What are they?

Only a few, each one is meant to honorably protect the submissive or subject from harm or pain.
Each rule also ensures maximum enjoyment for the Nawashi and his subject.
They also blend to provide both master and sub with a sense of artistic accomplishment, vital to the beauty of the tableaux they create together.

The rules are:

1. Bind the prisoner so that he/she may not slip his bonds.

2. Bind the prisoner is such a way that you not cause any physical or mental injury.

3. Create a result that is beautiful to behold.
The fourth rule is optional and is at the decision of the Nawashi: Do not allow others to see the process of making the knots.

Have you ever trained to be a subject of a Nawashi? What was your experience?

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