I'm going with this one: I'd go ANYWHERE the mood strikes my lover/s and I, especially the rain forest in Dominica (secluded and gorgeous), Paris, Stonehenge in the evening and of course Rome, the eternal city.
Mindy, Birdsooong@aol.com, CONGRATS, MINDY!!!What got me was the rain forest...and frankly, Stonehenge. Who knew Stonehenge could strike you as ...romantic? And then Paris and Rome really light me up! CARRIED AWAY occurs in Venice, and goes to Paris, then Naples. Yep. I am a Traveling Bunny, when not writing.
Just ordered a book on Venice a few minutes ago. HAVE TO RETURN soon!
DAY 3 CONTEST starts now!
What to write and tell us about?
The most romantic gesture any partner/lover/spouse ever did for you.
This contest closes at midnight Pacific, too!
Rock and Roll, bella!
The most romantic gesture my lovey ever did for me? Well...he's done a lot of things so I can't just narrow it down to one. We started our relationship online, so he traveled across the country to meet with me which was very romantic. Now that we're together, he serenades me with songs he wrote on his guitar, makes me breakfast in bed (sometimes), and braves Six Flags with me when I'm in the mood for some roller coasters! (He is motion-sick) All in all...the most romantic thing he can do for me is love me. He's been there for me through some ugly ugly moments. That's all I can ask for, really.
For me it's always about the little things.
It’s sitting out under the stars in our own back yard, snuggled together and just enjoying the quiet.
It's that smile in the morning when he bring me my first cup of coffee, holidays with my crazy family, and those special home cooked meals he prepares, just because.
It's noticing that the day was a hard one, and offering a glass of wine and a massage.
Warming up the car for me on cold winter days, popcorn and movie nights(and letting me pick the movie), and him knowing that reading a romance story is my favorite way to relax and giving me some quiet time to disappear into a favorite story.
And best of all, it's sleeping with his arms around me every night.
honestly the most romantic gesture mybetter half did for me is hes notvery open about his feelings in general but on my birthday he wrote me a song that he sang to me and the song was telling me how beautiful i was to him and how much he loved me and cared was sooo awesome made me smile and cry alittle
he wrote me another one for our anivercery so when he cant say the word sout loud he writes them in song form
Most romantic gesture is between two things hubby did for me.
The first while he was deployed he arranged for me to go to RWA in DC. He hooked up with Melissa Schroeder to get everything taken care of and even arranged for me to have $200 in gift card money. The folks at RWA had never had that happen before. (romantic to me because it was something I really wanted)
The second was the trip he arranged for us when he got back from Iraq. It was a getaway to Leavenworth, WA for the weekend without the kids. We had couples massage and did pedicures. Walked around town and ate food. Sat in the hot tub outside with snow on the ground. It was a 15th anniversary trip since he was deployed and a welcome home time for us.
It sounds like we've all be blessed with winners! I'm tremendously thankful for my husband--he's consistently reliable, smart, and an fabulous dad. He isn't stuck on divvying up work any particular way and is happy to give 110% to our relationship and our family to make things good for us all.
A couple romantic gestures I remember... At one point, I must have mentioned that I found the beach a very romantic place. I'd just gotten back from a business trip; he picked me up from the airport with a bouquet of roses, and whisked me back to his place where he'd set up an indoor "beach" picnic, complete with a little palm tree and the soothing sounds of the waves (on CD ;)). After we had a chance to eat, he pulled out one last take-out container; in it was the engagement ring :) And he presented me with a journal he'd been keeping of our relationship to that date. It's still a treasured gift, partly because while he isn't the most communicative guy, he took the time and effort to spell out his feelings for me in black and white.
Since then, he's been a thoughtful, generous husband--he's made me chicken pot pie from scratch, made sure to let me sleep in on weekends, and plans fun excursions for our family to enjoy together. He's a better cook than I, but eats whatever I make with grace. And he brings home chocolate (the good stuff!) sometimes for no special reason!
And the biggest thing--although he's a neatnik and I'm a terrible packrat, he doesn't say a word about the TBR piled high throughout the house. :)
Hi Cerise!
Congrats to Mindy:) Those places do sound beautiful! All of the comments posted of romantic gestures have been really lovely to read... there are some really lucky girls out there:)
WooHoo! Thanks everyone 8D
I'm passing on todays contest (share the wealth ;) )
The most romantic gesture someone could do for me is to leave me little love notes/clues during the day to a romantic evening.
Mindy :)
My hubby doesn't do romantic things on purpose, but does things that end up being romantic. Like when we first got together, a group of up were camping and he was up earily and brought me breakfast w/o prompting and left me alone --I am NOT a morning person and this was sweet and smart on his part (does not sound romantic, but you had to be there).
He bought me the Bed of Roses soundtrack on our 1 month annaversay when I had not even marked it...little things that most guys don't knotice...
However the biggest, most romantice thiing my hubby has ever done was let me completely plan our 2 week trip to Paris, France 2 years ago. We both really wanted to go on this trip, saved up almost a year for it and everything. And while he made suggestions/requests, he let me make all the decitions on where we would go, what we would do, when we would do it, etc. I was my lifetime dream trip and I didn't think I would really ever get to go. So I guess not only do I have the love of my life but he is making (at least some of) my dreams come true!
Okay, that was a little too sweet even for me :)
Well that's a tough one. I think my romantic gesture was last year when my BF and I had been dating for about four months. I am a huge hip hop fan and love the rapper Jay-Z. For my birthday, my boyfriend told me to pack a small bag, but wouldn't tell me anything beyond that. He picked me up, drove to the airport,and we got on a flight from TN to Los Angles. I was FREAKING! From there, we checked into a hotel and I put on a pretty dress and heels. Imagine my shock when we went to a Jay-z concert! I was severely overdressed,but had a blast. Its even more touching because I'm in an interracial relationship and my BF had no idea who JAY-Z was or anything about his music. So he tapped his foot a bit, while I jumped around in a fuschia satin cocktail dress and stilletos! The best and sweetest birthday EVER!
My hubby of 47 years has done so many things for me and still does. I think I have to say the most important and thoughtful one was when he stood behind me when I had my stroke and was in a coma for 4 days and I came out of it not able to talk. He helped me overcome that big problem as there was no therphy like there is now. susan L.
Most romantic gesture. I will have to go for a simple but meaningful. I was dating this guy and we were working in the same building. I saw him at around 11 and mentioned that I have a headache, said I would try coffee, may be it would help. He said no lemon juice is better. I went back to my office and there was a galss of lemon juice waiting for me. Its the simple gestures that do it for me.
All of you are so full of great ideas!
MY HUGE apologies for being late with this. The weekend was too full of unexpected things!
Jennifer, loved the Jay-Z trip! (I am...um...older and I like to do hip hop at my fit. club, which is how, oh boy, I blew out my knee 3 wks ago!) duh.
Susan, your note brought a lump to my throat. Nothing like standing by when things are really tough.
Same goes for Brandy, whose hubbie is gone to the wars but still supports her in so many ways.
I loved the dinners and breakfasts that are cooked, the roses given, the walks on the beach. The everyday gifts of being with someone you love.
BUT I will run another contest for the release NOV. 17 of my 3rd erotic REGENCY, MISS DARLING's INDECENT OFFER. And now, drumroll, please....
THE WINNER of DAY 3 is Susan.
Susan, if you would please send me your snail mail address to cerise.deland@ymail.com I will send out your prizes.
Come back for nibbles of my new releases!
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