Thursday, August 17, 2023

Today's bon bon: Napoleon escaped Elba and the French did not know how to cope! His route was fast!

Napoleon escaped Elba and the French did not know how to cope! His route was fast!

He landed from Elba in Cannes and marched a bit each day north. His objective was Paris to take over the government again. This was not easy. The results, not a foregone conclusion either.

Many assumed the French army would stop him. They didn't. But turned to his cause.

Many thought peasants would rise against him. They didn't. They opened their arms to him.

Many thought his former generals, most of whom were now employed by the new king and the royalists, would stop him. They did not.

Here is his route. I hope you can see it. Do enlarge. It is the first one published of his return.

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