Friday, March 8, 2024

Agents of my fictitious merchant Scarlett Hawthorne attempt to topple the little general while they fall delightfully in love!

We read romance for the joy of falling in love. But we read historical romance for the drama of living in different era. 

In my new series, SCARLETT AFFAIRS, I give you sixteen spicy historical romances. Each one will come with a kick of loads of accurate historical detail. The agents of merchant Scarlett Hawthorne will fall in love not only amid actual events, but many will participate and solve mysteries many experts ponder even today.

Sweeping you from London to Paris during the years Bonaparte ruled, I am tickled to open the series by a trip down the road to Malmaison and show you the problems of navigating Josephine and Bonaparte’s court. The intrigues of spies, ambassadors, merchants, military men and the women who loved and aided them create a canvas of actual events that shaped the fate of millions. 

Over the years of Bonaparte’s rise and reign, espionage agents of all nationalities tried to stop him. Many failed. Like the attempt in LORD ASHLEY’S BEAUTIFUL ALIBI to abduct Bonaparte in June 1800. A few succeeded, like the attempt of the British government to plant agents throughout the Continent during the peace of the Treaty of Amiens. 

Merchant's house, 17th Century

Some of these events were documented, like the abduction of the duc d'Enghien. Others still remain mysteries, such as the identity of the mysterious English woman who for decades sent thousands of coded secrets home to London. And the lady who stole documents from Talleyrand in Vienna during the Congress of 1814. 

In SCARLETT AFFAIRS, I take you to those cities that live in our history books—and palaces, churches and streets I have walked. They are places that exude their own charm—and hold for the people of that time secrets and challenges for agents of all countries. 

Varennes, France

You will go to the tunnels beneath Compiègne and to the palace where Napoleon took his second wife and within minutes of arrival escorted her to their bedroom. You will go to Reims, where kings were crowned, and enter the caverns of St. Denis in Paris where they were buried. You will go to the church in Varennes where gendarmes captured Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and sent them to Paris to die. You will go to Baden where a greedy German margrave sold out his subjects to Bonaparte for land and money. You will track Bonaparte and his aide Caulaincourt as they race away from Moscow and are tracked by agents all the way to Paris. 

Amboise, curtain walls, on Loire

I will also take you to other seemingly insignificant places that really existed. A public bath house, the smelly abattoir of Montmartre, then south to the huge fortress of Amboise and the vineyards of the Loire. To Verdun where the citadel becomes the prison for hundreds of British trapped inside France by the wily new emperor. 

A panoply of stories, the series will be a rich discovery of the challenges of fighting an enemy while falllng in love with one irresistible person. I hope you enjoy them all, from this first search for a missing friend, to the action-adventure of saving an entire family from death, to the rewards of stealing Bonaparte’s gold and more. 

Through each story, one man and woman will try to save the world from a despot—and save each other and the love they treasure above all else. I hope you have enjoyed your tour of Paris and northern France in this first novel of the series. Come with me as I take you to those times and places where kings walked, Bonaparte reigned and where espionage agents of my fictitious merchant Scarlett Hawthorne will attempt to topple the little general while they fall delightfully in love.

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