Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lord Ramsey is coming to town! September 26!


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Excerpt, LORD RAMSEY'S RED HEADED RUIN, Cerise Deland. 2024, All rights reserved.

    “It’s dangerous to stay here,” she complained, seeing his anger.
     Ramsey whirled on her, an arm out, anger in every growl. “Oui, madame! Dangerous! Because I can’t leave. Because you won’t go. Because the night is long and my temper short. Because I am a man who needs to go swimming in the river, and you”—he poked a finger at her“cannot follow.”
   She looked as if he’d struck her. “I… But… It’s night. Not safe.”
   He spun away and back again, so quickly that she teetered on her feet.
   He caught her arms and held her against him. Every sensuous muscle in her supple body rubbed against his. Damn his chivalry! 
   “This is not safe. This!” He crushed her against him. “And this!” He jammed one hand up into the thick curls of her hair. “And this,” he whispered against her lush lips, brushing them with the most innocent kiss and prying them open to explore all of her with his tongue.


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